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Image is copyright protected by Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World may 17, 2012 |
Blogs about Goldendoodles by breeders and owners will vary between personal, the philosophical, the literary and the absurd. They can be whimsical, bracing as well as thought provoking. Blogs about Goldendoodles from the naysayers will always be negative and many are written by those who don't know the first thing about these beautiful hybrids. The blogs written by naysayers are just guessing at best.
Goldendoodles are very French, English, Swedish as well as German when you get right down to it. Even though it is said that the Australians were the first to deliberately coin the term "Goldendoodle", the truth of the matter is, the Poodle is thought to have originated from Germany and that the breed came out of a cross with a Water Retriever of some sort.
The breed name "Poodle" is german and is actually spelled "Pudel" or "Pudelin" by german nationals. Pudel means "Splash in the water". Some believe that the "Pudel" is a direct descendant of a Water retriever and Irish Water Spaniel combined with a few other mixes. For those naysayers and purebred dog fanatics who call Goldendoodles names simply because they come from the mixture of Golden Retriever and Poodle, they have alot of nerve. Both the Poodle as well as the Golden Retriever were the direct result of mixing and combining many breeds together.
Because of the intelligence of both the Golden Retriever and the "Pudel" , both breeds excel in hunting as well as water sports. The Goldendoodle is now slowly being introduced as therapy dogs as well as assistants to the physically challenged. The Standard Poodle is one of the longest lived dogs of all the breeds and has been around the longest when it comes to the different sizes a Pudel comes in.
Goldendoodles never go beserk like some breeds can. A well trained Goldendoodle can come nose level with your food and not once touch it. They may look at your food with longing as though to say..."Please offer me a bite"....but they will not jump up to your plate and snatch the food like some dogs will. Many will not even so much as beg. Interspersed with thoughts on how others portray the Goldendoodle dog in their writing, it leaves me wondering where some articles come from. How did the author come to their conclusions ?
The Goldendoodle dog has developed a reputation for being easy with people; low shedding; family oriented and great with children. They are the most versatile of all hybrids. It is not true, however, that the Goldendoodle doesn't shed. The truth is, they DO shed. They just shed very little. Even the smooth coat Goldendoodle, which has a near identical appearance as that of a purebred Golden Retriever, sheds very little. Some will claim that the Poodle is a non-shedding dog when that is not true at all. Poodles DO shed. But they shed very little.
Poodle and Golden Retriever ancestors have been known to be working class dogs. They were very hard working water dogs who retrieved and accompanied their hunter masters in the field. Both breeds were superb in what they did as working class dogs. Now, very few are used as working dogs and have instead, become known as wonderful companions.
Although kennel standards have not been set by any kennel club regarding the Goldendoodle dog, many breeders have set what they believe as a "standard" even though all have been made up specifically by the breeder who have coined them. Some even have the audacity to claim to know what percentage of Poodle as well as Golden Retriever is within the Goldendoodle's genetic structure even though none have conducted a single DNA test to provide them with this information. What I have come to realize is that breeders who post inaccurate Goldendoodle information within their blogs or on their personal websites seem to have other breeders piggy back off of the inaccurate information. It reminds me of someone telling another individual something untruthful and then others will pick up the "rumor" and spread it around like an infectious disease out of control. For some reason, those breeders are always eager to take the same walk. The less the information changes, the happier they are.
Goldendoodles have a wonderful alert expression and they can be very elegant in their appearance. My personal opinion is that the Goldendoodle is entirely more beautiful than the Labradoodle and more well behaved. Golden Retrievers in general are not as "crazy" as the Labrador. Although it is difficult to trace the exact origins of the Goldendoodle, this hybrid will continue to climb in popularity. When the Goldendoodle first appeared to the general public, it was at first believed that this hybrid was a one night wonder....a fad..a designer dog. The truth is, once the Goldendoodle appeared in the general public, their popularity burst like radiant sunshine. They are a welcome answer to many who suffer from chronic respiratory problems as well as to those who can not tolerate many dog hairs all over their home.
For those who purchased their first Goldendoodle and came to love him or her, they have said that they can't even imagine what it would be like without one. With lots of encouragement and training, the Goldendoodle is the perfect dog. As a breeder of fourteen years and having began my Goldendoodle breeding program back in 1999, I have always concentrated on the light apricot Goldendoodle with a shaggy coat. I do admit that I have a soft spot for Goldendoodles with blue eyes. The blue eyed Goldendoodle is the most difficult doodle to achieve simply because the eye color has to come somewhere down through the lineage of either the Golden Retriever or the Poodle. I was very fortunate to have had one blue eyed Goldendoodle born to me back in 2005 and I have worked diligently to attempt further blue eyed doodles ever since. To date, we are the only known Goldendoodle breeder to achieve the blue eyed Goldendoodle. It is a unique appearance in which I am highly drawn to.
Since 1999, we have only had approx. 10-15 blue eyed Goldendoodles born to us simply because the brown eyed gene is extremely strong in both the Poodle and the Golden Retriever.
Although I have never owned a parti colored Standard Poodle, I find them the most fascinating of all the colors. With a strong genetic background of parti colors, it is possible to achieve a parti colored Goldendoodle. I have given quite a bit of thought to pairing my German Shorthaired Pointer who has amber colored eyes, with my blue eyed curly coat Goldendoodle sire. While this may seem repulsive to the purebred fanatics and naysayers, it is my opinion that the pairing will produce at least one shaggy coat, parti colored puppy with either blue or green eyes. When and if that happens, I will then introduce that mixture back into our Goldendoodle breeding program as a means of producing unique doodles. It is because of the breeders who were visionaries when it came to creating unique dogs in the first place, that we have so many wonderful selections of canine around the world. When I first began my Goldendoodle breeding program back in 1999, we received many hateful telephone messages as well as email but look what has happened since then! The Goldendoodle has risen above the hateful words of the naysayers and they have far outpaced the popularity of the Golden Retriever. It is only natural that the Goldendoodle who is unique, will further outpace the Goldendoodle that is the most common. The future holds quite a bit of promises for the Goldendoodle. Look out world...here they come.
*About the author: Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World has written about the Goldendoodle dog since 1999. Unfortunately, in 2006, Dee Gerrish became the target of cyber-stalking, cyber-bullying, and cyberharassment. From 2010 on, Dee Gerrish became victim of identity theft both on and off the internet.
The individual/s whom began the cyberstalking, cyberbullying and harassment both on and off the internet stole her identity personally as well as began stealing her business name. The individuals began opening internet accounts in her name to defraud, deceive and to cause the misconception that she was writing articles in a derogatory manner about her canine and business. The situation became to the point that Dee/Diane Gerrish had to hire an attorney to obtain a social media restraining order against the individual whom resides in Orlando, Florida. After the second attempt and spending over a thousand dollars, the restraining order was finally granted. Personal jurisdiction was obtained to file a lawsuit against the individual, but unfortunately the damage is such that the person doesn't have enough assets to cover the losses in revenue for libel and defamation. Multiple complaints have been filed against all of the websites and forums where the individual has posted their derogatory content and images, to no avail. In April 2012, it was discovered that the individual enlisted another individual to go steal sensitive information through the computer. Attempts to put the individual in jail has been extremely difficulty even though we are very aware of what they have been doing. The Charlotte division of the the FBI was contacted depths and complaints were filed with the Federal Trade Commision as was advised to us by the FBI division out of Charlotte, North Carolina. We have taken every step necessary and have filed every complaint possible. It seems that many agencies do not take social media illegal transactions as serious as an individual holding a gun against your head or pretty much taking a baseball bat to your head. Even though both situations are criminal acts.
Because our situation of late has been very traumatic, we will no longer respond to inquiries by email
or by telephone. We have set up a P.O. box for canine inquiries. Please send all canine inquiries to:
Goldendoodle World
P.O. Box 60
Cleveland, North Carolina
Our Canine application is located at http://www.goldendoodleworld.com/
Thank you.
Visit http://www.goldendoodleworld.com/
*This article was first written by Dee Gerrish and is copyright protected Aug. 28, 2010.
However, I have shared it on May 17, 2012
All content and images upon this blogspot is copyright protected by its author, Dee (Diane) Gerrish.
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